Monday, April 11, 2011

Mailbag - I'm answering YOUR questions!!

So, I intended this to be a Mailbag Friday, but, sometimes, life gets in the way.  And that's OK!

I have a super cranky almost 6 month old on my hands who's teething right now and is extra cuddly.  And, I realize that this cuddly faze won't last long (before I know it cuddling with Mom will be so not cool!) so I've been soaking up every second of it. :)
However, I do want to answer your questions, so here goes...

1) Jessica O asks "The longer pounds stay on, does it take longer (and more energy) to lose?"
There's no hard fast rule about the length of time it takes to lose the weight, regardless of how long the pounds have been there.  It's possible that it might take a little longer for someone who's been heavier for some time because it may be harder for that person to break old habits and create new ones.  The healthiest way to lose, and maintain the loss, is to lose 1-2 pounds a week.  This will help you break old, bad, habits and help to create new, healthy and lasting habits!

2) Stephanie H asks "I like to be constantly moving and I can't stand doing the same thing every day like I have been doing. I don't like feeling like my workout is dragging on. I guess the Turbo Fire or Turbo Jam are more of what I'm looking for. Do they all provide good results?"
Absolutely!!! People have gotten awesome results with both programs! Personally I like Turbo Fire over Turbo Jam - it's newer and has more current music, plus it has more variety of workouts from a 10 min workout all the way to a 55 min workout. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. It also has some mind/body & strength training with resistance bands built in. Also comes with a hybrid program with Chalean Extreme built right in and a nutritional program.

Turbo Jam is great too, a little more basic. Has a workout dedicated to teaching you the basics of Turbo and has an Ab workout. It too comes with a nutritional program - in fact, the Turbo Slim 10 Day Plan is what I use when I run 10 Day Slim Down Challenges!

I'm a fan of both!  

3) Sarah P asks " I wanted to know more about the Shakeology. What is it? and is it okay to drink while BFing? Interested in more info."
Oh, Sarah!  I love me some Shakeology!!!  Basic info: Shakeology is a meal replacement shake that has a days worth of vitamins, minerals, fruits and vegetables.  It completely replaces your multi-vitamin, the only thing you need to add is an extra 100 mg of Calcium.  Is it safe for breastfeeding?  You'll need to check with your Doctor, but both my OB/GYN and Pedi gave 2 thumbs up to Shakeology (here's the nutritional information for CHOCOLATE and GREENBERRY. Print them out and have your Dr review them).  For more info, check out my Shakeology website:  I love the Doctor's section - there are over 100 Doctors who now recommend Shakeology to their patients...that's HUGE!

4) Heather P asks "What is the best introduction workout? I seem to get lost in getting all the "moves" right!"
Good question, and one I get all the time.  Here's how I help people find the best workout for them:
If you were to take an aerobics class at the gym, what type of class would you take?  Jazzercise, Cardio Kickboxing, Step, Cycle, Strength Training, Mind/Body (Yoga, Pilates) or Cardio/Hip Hop?  If you're a Jazzercise kinda gal, then Slim in 6 or Brazil Butt Lift would be right up your alley.  Cardio Kickboxing - Turbo Jam or Turbo Fire.  Step or Cycle, then you might like Power 90.  Strength Training - P90X or ChaLEAN Extreme.  Mind/Body, check out Yoga Booty Ballet or PiYo (not a Beachbody program but created by Chalene Johnson of Turbo & Chalean Extreme).  Cardio/Hip Hop then you'd love Hip Hop Abs.  Beachbody has program for every fitness style!

5) Tanya M asks "What's your story?  How'd you get involved in fitness and with Beachbody?"
Well, I've always been interested in fitness, ever since I was a little girl (maybe 4 or 5) working out to my mom's Jane Fonda VHS tapes.  I became an Group Fitness Instructor (teaching aerobics) in 2003 - I always had an interest in it, and while getting in shape for my wedding in May of 2003 I was taking a lot of group classes at the gym.  On day I walked up to the instructor and said "I can totally do this!" so she put me in touch with the powers to be to get certified and get hired and the rest is history!  

As for Beachbody, I was connected to Beachbody by my good friend Holly Hann and by my acquaintance with Chalene Johnson.  Being a Beachbody


And, now for the winner of a TurboFire Greatest Hits DVD!


Congrats Sarah!  Email me your mailing info at!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Shakeology Samples!!!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Shakeology! And I want to share my love with YOU!

Have you given thought to purchasing Shakeology, but want to taste it to make sure you like it first? Please only contact me for a sample if you are serious about improving your health and purchasi

If you're serious about getting into the best shape and health, of your life, and you're not a Coach (sorry Coaches, you can get your own!), then I would love to send you a sample.

Ok, so here's what you need to do:

1) Go to my website and sign up as a FREE player. It's easy and FREE! Sign up here!

2) Once you're a Free Player, email me at with your choice of either Chocolate or Greenberry and your address. Once I've verified you're a Free Player your sample will be mailed out to you!

Already have a Free Player account? That's fine. Contact your Coach for a sample. If you'd like to switch Coaches, you can! Beachbody wants you to work with those with whom you will be most successful with.

Just send an email to and tell them you'd like to switch coaches. Provide them my screen name (KariMoore) and my coach ID No. (10581) and your request will usually process the same day. Carbon-copy (Cc) that email to me at so that I can follow-up with Coach Relations.  Easy!

Shakeology has done wonders for me, and I know it'll do wonders for you too!  So why wait?  Get your sample from me today!

Friday, April 1, 2011

I cried.

Have you ever cried during a workout?  Not because it was too hard, or because the trainer/instructor was mean, or because you didn't get the choreography, or...I could go on and on.  Have YOU ever cried?

I cried.

On Monday I added Insanity to my weekly workout routine.  Monday was the Fit Test, and although I didn't reach the same numbers I had when I first did the Fit Test (Oct '09): 1) I wasn't expecting to, and 2) I'm in a different place, physically, than I was a year and a half ago, but, I was mildly impressed.  I held my own.  I got through it.  I was proud.

Tuesday, though, is when IT happened. 
I cried.

I didn't cry because I wasn't able to finish every exercise, or go as fast as the cast members on the DVD, or because I took more breaks than I had wanted.  No, I cried because I finally felt it:


Between the sweat dripping off the tip of my nose, between me gasping for air, between the gulps of Recovery Formula (thank GOD for that stuff!) I cried, and I was happy.

Is Insanity my soul-mate workout? 
I don't think so, at least not right now (I'm still, and always will be a Turbo Girl!). 

Do I like Insanity? 
No.  It a good way.  It sucks in the same way that a Bootcamp Trainer sucks when he's pushing you, yelling in your face to DO MORE!  You hate it while you're doing it, but, man, does it feel good afterwards.

Do I think it'll work?
Without a doubt, YES!  Its a workout for my mind strength and the strength of my soul as much as it's for my body strength.  There's something so powerful when you push yourself past your limits, past your mind telling you "Take a break, no one will know...".  When you find the willpower to say to yourself, "Keep going...YOU. CAN. DO. THIS."  THAT is when you know.  

And that is when I cried.