Thursday, March 25, 2010

10 Small Changes for Big Improvements in 2010!!

One important rule for self-health makeovers is to set realistic short-term goals. Some dietitians use the phrase "Rome wasn't built in a day" to make you understand that habit changes take time. Trying to institute a new diet, work out plan, budget and sleep schedule all on the same day leads to burnout. Instead, aim to incorporate one of the changes below into your schedule and repeat it until it becomes routine. Then, add another, and another in the same way. Success begets success!

1. Drink Well
Still sipping the sweet stuff? Don't. One 16-ounce bottle of regular soda contains 200 calories. Drinking just one bottle every day adds up to 72,800 calories a year, which can pack on more than 20 pounds! Juice also has little nutritional benefit for adults. If morning OJ is a must, limit yourself to eight ounces. While diet soda contains zero calories, new research suggests that diet soda drinkers are more likely to eat more calories than those who stick with naturally calorie-free drinks like water and unsweetened tea.

2. Eat more Fruit
Chomping on fresh fruit does more than help you get your vitamins. Due to its fiber content, and the fact that fruit takes time to eat, it fills you up better than other snacks, resulting in a lower caloric intake.

3. Cook at Home
When you prepare the meals, you control the ingredients and amounts. At restaurants, you tend to over-indulge because eating out feels "special", even if it is a typical Tuesday. You are more likely to eat proper portion sizes, more vegetables, and few high-calorie items when you dine at your own table. Use weekends to plan menus and go grocery shopping.

4. Get More Sleep
A good night's rest does more than help you put your best foot forward in the morn. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 29% of U.S. adults sleep less than seven hours a night. Recent studies show a connection between inadequate sleep and an increased risk for obesity.

5. Eat Beans & Legumes
Many food and nutrition experts tout the health benefits of plant-based diets. No need to go vegan, just swap out meat a few nights a week for planet-friendly protein like beans and legumes. From lentil to garbanzo, fava to navy, kidney to black - there is a bean for everyone. These tiny high-fiber, low-fat, protein powerhouses pack on flavor, not pounds.

6. Begin with Breakfast
Regular breakfasts can boost your metabolism and curb the urge for sugary snacks. Research shows that breakfast eaters are more productive and handle memory-related tasks better. Do it right with whole grains and protein, like Whole Grain Banana Nut pancakes or whole wheat toast with a hard-boiled egg.

7. Be Portion Savvy
Most people over-estimate portion sizes. Using smaller plates and bowls at meals help keep calories in check.

8. Get Moving
In addition to helping maintaining a healthy weight and reducing your risk for diseases, aerobic exercise is Mother Nature's antidepressant, naturally increasing serotonin levels. That "feel-good" mood you get after a sweat session is the real deal. Just getting started? Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity that makes you breathe hard - like power walking - most days of the week. *Need help with finding the right workout program for you, I can help!*

9. Eat your Vegetables
Not only is the produce department the best looking section of the grocery store, its colorful contents make up some of the best parts of a healthy diet. A natural source of vitamins and minerals, upping your veggie intake can help keep total caloric intake down - one cup of raw veggies contains just 25 calories.

10. Have Whole Grains
The average American consumes only 15 grams of fiber per day - about half of the recommended intake. Adequate fiber intake can lower risk factors for many types of chronic diseases. Whole grains, such as 100-percent whole wheat breads and pastas, brown rice, whole grain corn, oats, wheat berries and quinoa, all provide more naturally occurring fiber than their white counterparts.

-CulinArt Winter 2010 Newsletter

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Team Beachbody Fact and Fiction - by Tommy Mygrant

Fact: Beachbody is the 69th fastest growing company in the United States according to an article in Entrepreneur Magazine, March 2008.

Fact: Beachbody was started by Carl Daikeler and Jon Cogdon with $500,000 borrowed from family and private investors and is now a $250 million company that spends $90 million on marketing annually.

Fiction: Becoming an Independent Beachbody Coach is a get rich quick scheme.

Fact: With a modest investment of time, it takes about four months to start making money and then only about $100 a week to start. When you invest more time, you make substantially more money.

Fiction: Beachbody coaches are part of a pyramid scheme – a non-sustainable business model that involves the exchange of money primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme, usually without any product or service being delivered.

Fact: Beachbody coaches market fitness and sell products from their own websites and are rewarded for encouraging people to become members of the Team Beachbody Club, get commissions on the fitness products that they sell and can build a business team where everyone is rewarded for their efforts to promote fitness, weight management and improved quality of life. Network Marketing is a business distribution model that allows a parent multi-level marketing company to market their products directly to consumers by means of relationship referral and direct selling.

Fiction: You have to spend a lot of money to be an Independent Team Beachbody Coach.

Fact: It costs $47.99 to become an Independent Team Beachbody Coach and then $14.95 a month if you decide to continue being a coach. There is no other cost for becoming a coach and the $14.95 monthly fee pays for your own coach website and e-commerce fitness product and supplement store.

Fiction: All that you have to do is sign up to be a coach and you will start making money.

Fact: Like any other business (each coach has their own coach business center) you have to work to make money. The more effort you put in, the more money that you will make. Beachbody helps you make money by providing a wealth of information and resources including live and recorded conference calls explaining the company and providing ideas on how to be successful, business building videos, product training sheets to familiarize you with all of the products, success stories, downloadable materials, access to everyone in the management of the company and most of all, your own personal coach to help you build your business.

Fact: The top coach in the company, a now retired school principal, in his first year (which is also the first year of the Beachbody network marketing business model) earned $305,938.00.

Please email me with any questions you may have. If you're interested in getting more information about owning your own Beachbody business, check out my website:, and click on COACH!

In good health,

Coach Kari