Friday, November 23, 2012

Black & Cyber SALES

It's Black Friday and that means that the sales are ON! 
Below are the promos I'm running...
take advantage of these awesome deals.  

Give the gift of fitness or financial freedom this year!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Beachbody Supplements

Beachbody Supplements: What You Need To Know 
(to get the results YOU'RE looking for!)

  • Activit~Has antioxidants and nutrients like green tea, grape seed extract and ginkgo biloba. These boost metabolism, energy and fat loss.
  • Cordastra~Contains Astragulus (botanical). This helps the immune system, protects against stress, promotes healthy blood pressure and blood sugar, protects liver.~Contains Cordyceps (mushroom). This helps restore energy, promotes longevity, supports anti-aging, improves libido and boosts muscle building.
  • Cal-Mag~It's milk calcium with added magnesium and vitamin D to aid in nerve and muscle function and maximize absorption. Contains no lactose, protein or milk allergens. Milk calcium is the most bio-available form of calcium. Calcium is also a BIG factor in weight loss.
  • Omega-3~Aids in cardiovascular, brain and joint function. AHA says it may lower blood pressure. Enteric coated which keeps it intact until it hits the intestines. This prevents fishy taste and burps.~Reduces the risk of coronary heart disease
  • E&E~Nitric oxide boosters that enhance blood flow and speeds up oxygen and nutrients to your muscles for better performance~Natural energizers like Guarana and Green Tea Extract to increase energy production and focus to maximize your workout~Amino Acids to promote muscular energy and workout performance~Electrolytes like magnesium, potassium, himalayan salt and calcium promote a strong metabolism~Contains no artificial Sweeteners, Preservatives or Flavors (SPF) Uses Stevia for sweetness.
  • Joint Support~Your body endures 20 times your weight when you jump. So if you are 150lbs, that's 3000lbs of pressure on your joints!~Contains 3 ingredients, Glucosamine, Collagen type II and MSM. Most competitors only contain 2.~Glucosamine promotes the growth of new tissue~Collagen Type II is great for the hair, nails and bones. It is usually processed out of most healthy foods.
  • Results and Recovery~Used after workout to refuel muscles, reenergize and reduce muscle soreness.~Contains the perfect ratio of 4 parts carbs to 1 part protein your body needs to maintain muscle and use fat for fuel.~ No artificial SPF~The simple sugar (dextrose) spikes insulin which allows the protein to get absorbed by muscles helping maintain the gain.~Vitamins and antioxidants added to help prevent muscle soreness.

Our food today is processed and stripped of it's vitamins and nutrients.  We over farm and our soils are depleted.  Even fresh food today is far less nutritious than 30 years ago.  We eat too many calories and not enough nutrients.  Lack of nutrients causes your body to feel hungry, which in turn causing us to eat more.  We need to break this cycle by eating fewer calories and eating more nutrient rich foods.  Coincidentally, nutrient dense foods are also low in calories!  The most nutrient dense foods are super foods.

Shakeology contains over 30 superfoods!

~Contains protein, vitamins & minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, prebiotics and digestive enzymes

~Contains whey protein and other plant based proteins like Sacha Inchi, which is also high in Omega 3,6 and 9~Contains Red and Blue Superfoods which protect us from free radicals, which prevents cellular damage. This helps us prevent chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's Disease ~Contains green super foods which strengthen the immune system, slows aging, detoxifies the body and balances pH levels~Contains adaptogenes which increases energy, promotes calmness, helps us focus and cope with environmental stress~Contains pre, probiotics and digestive enzymes that promotes healthy digestion and normal colon function. Enzymes break down foods to increase the nutrient absorption

"We can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency!"

~Shakeology is superior to our competitors because we use whole food nutrition, meaning:  whole food supplements have better bioavailability (the ability to be absorbed and assimilated by the body) than synthetic supplements; because the vitamins and minerals have the same molecular structure as those found in real fruits and vegetables.
Your body recognizes these compounds as real food, so they will be absorbed and assimilated quickly. Synthetic supplements can take longer to process and may leave behind byproducts and trace toxic compounds that can damage your health in the long run.

Shakeology Fiber~Helps lower cholesterol. Soluble fiber binds to cholesterol and removes it from the body~Regulates blood glucose levels. Fiber slows the absorption of glucose~Promotes regularity.

Monday, March 19, 2012

One Sugary Drink Per Day Can Lead To Heart Disease

A mass study (43,000) at Harvard showing that those who drank soda, any soda, were at a 20% higher risk for heart disease than those who didn’t.

While this may sound shocking a little digging shows it’s not, really. The study’s parameters were broad and, basically, only led to the not-so-surprising conclusion that those who ate a healthier diet fared better than those who did not. From ABC News:

A growing body of research connects sugary drinks with increased risk of diabetes, weight gain, high blood pressure and a number of other chronic diseases. But nutrition experts note that the current study doesn't show that sugar-sweetened beverages cause heart disease. Consuming sugary drinks every day may simply indicate less healthy lifestyles that could lead to heart disease.

"To some extent, people who drink more soda are apt to eat less well overall," said Dr. David Katz, director of the Yale Prevention Research Center. "Too much added sugar in the diet is likely a 'marker' of lower overall diet quality."

Still, it’s another indictment of the sugary drink world (soda, sports drinks, and sugary juices were lumped together, which makes sense since they’re all basically the same) and that’s a good thing. The facts still remain; sugary drinks are the single largest caloric source in the world. And until that stops the obesity epidemic is going to continue to expand.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I'm what?

Picture this…

You’re on Week 3 of your new 90 day fitness program and are feeling GREAT! You’ve got extra energy, you’re noticing changes happening with your body, your clothes are fitting better, you’re sleeping better and just overall are feeling AWESOME!

And then it happens…you wake up one morning towards the end of Week 3 with a tickle in your throat and a headache, which both get progressively worse throughout the day, and before you know it, you’re officially SICK!

And just when you were on a roll with your new fitness program too!

This has been one of the most common questions I’ve been getting lately: I’m sick, can I still workout? In a roundabout way, YES.

Here’s the rule of thumb I go by: if your symptoms are above your neck, meaning you’ve got a head cold, sinus issues, runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing or a sore throat, then yes, you’re OK to work out. HOWEVER, if your symptoms are below your neck, chest congestion, hacking cough, stomach issues, it’s best to rest.

But, the best piece of advice I can give you is to listen to your body. Your body will tell you if you are ok to push through, or if you need to take a break. And taking a break is OK, trust me! Please, listen to your body.

So, you’ve decided to take a break to allow your body to heal, great! Do you need to restart your 90 day fitness program? Not necessarily. Depends on how much time your body needs to recover. Few days? Hop right back in! A week? Might be best to continue to rest and redo the lost week. More than a week? Depends on where you are in your fitness program. If you fall into this category, contact me and we’ll discuss a plan of action for you.

As Mr. Tony Horton says, “Do your best, and forget the rest!” If you have questions, I’m here for you! Reach out and connect with me.

Till next time!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

What is Beachbody Coaching?


This video gives you a little insight into what a Beachbody coach is and does. So often people assume it's about selling products & programs. If sales of products and programs were the mark of success with this, I'd be out! 

It's about getting fit, inspiring others to get fit, and inspiring others to join Beachbody's mission to end the trend of obesity. If you've always wanted a business where the focus is positivity, health, nutrition, fitness and helping others.. then this is the business you should consider. It's changing people's lives physically & financially EVERY DAY.

Thank you to Jenelle Summer's for creating the video!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

It's a numbers game

There’s no secret.  Promise.  If there was, I would've found it by now, guaranteed!

There’s no secret to losing weight. There’s no special pill, or magical powder, that will do it for you either.

Weight loss can be summarized simply – calories in vs. calories out.

Yeah, I’m sure you’ve heard that before, but what does it mean? How do you do it? Let’s break it down, shall we:

First off, you need to know that you don’t gain weight spontaneously. Weight is gained when you consume more calories than you burn. Ok, so if we gain weight when we consume more calories than we burn, that means that if we burn more calories than we consume, then we’ll lose weight? You’ve got it!

(there’s a detailed science behind this, but we’re going to follow the KISS method and Keep It Simple, Silly!)

Here’s a side note: when the calories you consume equals the calories you burn, your weight remains the same. So, simply put, in order to lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit.

The bottom line?

It’s not WHAT you eat. It’s HOW MUCH you eat and HOW much you burn that determines whether or not you lose weight.

Let’s go into this in a little more detail…

A pound of body weight from fat contains 3,500 calories. If you wanted to lose a pound of fat a week, you’d divide this number by 7 and would get 500. Therefore, on average, you would need to burn 500 more calories, a day, than you consume making your daily target deficit 500 calories. If you wanted to lose 2 pounds of fat a week, you would need to create a 1000 calorie deficit a day, or on average. *It is not recommended to lose more than 2 pounds a week.

Low Carb, No Carb, Low Fat, No Fat, the Grapefruit Diet, the Cabbage Diet…none of these will provide true, honest, long term, lasting results for you. Again, there’s no secret to weight loss – it’s a numbers game, and once you understand how the numbers work, you'll be a head of the game!