Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fitness starts young...

As most of you know, I was a fat kid. In fact, you can read about my struggles here: Over the years, I've come to realize that fitness starts young. It's important to plant the seed of healthy food and exercise very early on in age in order for a lifetime of good health to bloom.

We've shown our daughter, through our own actions of healthy eating and daily exercise, that this is a lifetime habit, not something you do short term. I'm hoping that the lessons are sinking in.

The obesity rates are amazing - not in a good way. Did you know that 65% of teens are inactive when they reach High School? Wha?

I'm determined to do my best to educate youth on the importance of healthy eating and regular exercise.

My daughter has started cheerleading. This is her first year, she's a Mascot, and I've been lucky enough to be asked to choreography the warm-up for all the girls. YES! Totally up my alley! Not only am I able to use my cheer background (cheered for 9 years) but I have the full, undivided attention of 30+ girls. I've been using this time to quiz them on stretching and conditioning, why we stretch, how we stretch, the importance of warming up properly, what that entails, etc. I'm also planning on talking with them about healthy eating and how to properly fuel their bodies. Hahaha...they'll never know what hit them! ;)

Obesity Facts:

• 2 out of 3 of all adults in the US are obese.

• 1 out of 5 kids in the US are overweight, and on their way to being clinically obese.

• The Obesity Epidemic is costing taxpayers $350 BILLION in the US every year.

• Every state in the US, except for Colorado, has a 20% obesity rate, some even as high as 30+%.

Not looking too good.

Obesity affects a person's entire being. Some of the physical ailments related to Obesity are: Coronary Heart Disease, Type 2 Diabetes, Cancer, Hypertension, Stroke, Life & Gallbladder disease, Sleep Apnea, Infertility. And, not just physically, but it takes a mental toll too: low self-esteem, lack of confidence, low energy, lack of activity, less play time with family/kids, etc.

Even our Surgeon General has made a warning:

"Our nation stands at a crossroads. Today's epidemic of overweight and obesity threatens the historic progress we made in increasing American's quality and years of healthy life...This future is unacceptable"
(The Surgeon General’s Vision for a Healthy and Fit Nation 2010)

So, what can you do as a parent to prepare your child for a healthy future? Easy.

It was Ghandi who once said

"Be the Change you wish to see in the World".

It starts with you. It starts with me. It must start TODAY!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Beachbody® Joins President's Challenge

We're proud to announce that starting this Friday, we have a very cool new opportunity for your business! As you may have heard on the July 11th Coach Call, Beachbody has been recognized as an advocate of the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA), created by the Presidential Council on Fitness.
How it works:
Between July 15th and August 17th, the Presidential Council will recognize:
  • All customers who buy a Beachbody fitness program or order Shakeology®
  • All current Coaches
  • All new Coach signups
Each of these Coaches and customers will receive a Presidential Active Lifestyle Award issued by the Presidential Council.
Presidential Perks:
  • Conversation starter. Let your contacts know through email, Facebook®, Twitter®, and in person: If they buy through you between July 15th and August 17th, they'll also receive a signed award.
  • Credential booster. Once you receive YOUR digital award, proudly display it on your blog and other social media accounts to exude professionalism.
  • Sales fuel. During the dates mentioned above, make sure to let your customers know they too can be a part of this program if they purchase Shakeology or a fitness program from you.
We hope you'll join the mission by spreading the news and inspiring as many people as you can to get healthy and fit. Stay tuned for more info to come over the next couple of weeks.
Let's do our part to get America moving!

P.S. To learn more about the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award, go to Please note that you're not required to follow their sign-up instructions. Beachbody will be taking care of everything for you.