Monday, May 23, 2011

10 Tips on How To Lose Weight

Diet advice often seems dizzying: Avoid fats! No, avoid carbs! Eat all you want of these magic foods! Don’t even “diet” because diets backfire! But amid the sea of contradictory advice, a consensus is emerging on a few key suggestions that will lower your overall intake and keep cravings to a minimum:

1. Eat breakfast. There are different theories on why this is so important. Some experts say skipping it throws the body into a “starvation” mode that slows the metabolism and prevents calorie-burning. Others say that going all night long and into the next day without eating lowers the blood sugar and sets up powerful cravings. Either way, numerous studies have found that people who eat breakfast are leaner, on average, than people who don’t.

But what you eat for breakfast is very important: Loading up on sweetened cereal, donuts or juice – or other refined carbohydrates – will cause your blood sugar to spike and then plummet, leaving you edgy, irritable and craving sweets again by late morning. Instead, load up on lean protein at breakfast. The best sources are egg whites (hard-boiled, or in an omelet with vegetables) or low-fat, low-sugar yogurt. Or shake things up and have chicken or fish for breakfast.

2. Eat lean protein. At breakfast, lunch, dinner and for snacks in between, lean protein will keep your blood sugar stabilized and your appetite in check. Many diets allow you to eat as much as you want, as long as it’s not red meat or fatty. Chicken, turkey, fish and tofu are all great sources, and can be prepared with dozens of different seasonings and sauces to keep them interesting. (Just watch out for the buttery, creamy variety.)

3. Eat vegetables. These are another “free” food that you can enjoy in unlimited quantities all day long, as long as you stick to green vegetables like lettuce, broccoli, asparagus, green beans, etc., and brightly colored ones like peppers and tomatoes. Aim for five servings of these a day, and let them take up the bulk of the space on your plate. (Beware that potatoes do not belong in this category; see below.)

4. Eat fats and carbohydrates sparingly. Debates continue to rage over these two food groups. But it never made sense that people could eat unlimited pasta (as some low-fat experts claimed) or unlimited cheese (as the low-carb crowd claimed) and expect to lose weight. The human body needs some fats to function; the best forms are the monounsaturated fats found in olive oil, nuts, seeds and avocados. Keep butter, cheese, fried foods and whole milk products to a minimum if you want to lose weight. The human body also needs carbohydrates—the complex kind found in green vegetables and whole grains. It does not need much, if any, of the kind found in starchy vegetables like potatoes. And if you really want to lose weight, eliminate refined carbohydrates like pasta, white bread, cookies, candy and sugar from your life. That goes for sugary sodas too. (Nobody said this was easy.)

5. Keep alcohol to a minimum. A daily glass of wine may reduce the risk of heart disease, but it’s also basically sugar water. Alcohol interferes with the body’s ability to burn calories and promotes fat storage. Even worse, it lowers your resistance and makes it harder to stick to all your resolutions.

6. Drink 8 glasses of water a day. Here’s a beverage you can and should load up on. While some experts dispute that it’s necessary to drink this much water a day, legions of dieters see it as their secret weapon to fill themselves up, cut food cravings and help flush out the system. You can load it up with lemons or other flavorings. But if you add low-cal sweeteners, you may find that it makes you hungrier later, even if it doesn’t specifically add calories.

7. Eat “mindfully.” One reason Americans keep gaining weight is that we eat on the run, multitasking madly and paying little attention to what we’re putting in our mouths. Try sitting down and focusing solely on eating. Slowly. Savor all the individual flavors. Put your fork down in between bites. Assess your hunger when you first sit down, and again every few minutes. Most importantly, stop when you are no longer hungry, even if it’s after just a small portion of your meal. This takes practice, but you may find that enjoying a small part of your food is far more satisfying than wolfing down a large quantity without thinking about it.

8. Keep a food journal. Write down everything you eat, every day. This alone helps you be more mindful of what you are eating.

9. Exercise. No matter what kind it is—walking, running, swimming, dancing, working out with weights—get moving for at least 30 minutes a day.

10. Don’t go it alone. It’s hard to keep yourself motivated. Having a nutrition or exercise coach to report to regularly will keep you from straying when temptation strikes. Or make a pact with a friend or relative who also wants to lose weight and serve as each other’s coach and conscience.

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