Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Top 7 Tips For Loving Your Workout!

I'm a firm believer that it's important to love your workout.  Talk about losing motivation fast...there's nothing worse (in trying to get healthy and lose weight) than forcing yourself to do a workout you hate or dread.  So, how do you come to love your workout?  Here are my top 7 tips!

1) Be creative with your workouts & stay curious.
It's important that you stay ahead of the game with your workouts.  Find out what's most effective for acheiving the results you're looking for.  Be curious about what other people are doing.  Watch the people who are having success with their fitness and health goals...what are THEY doing?  Then try it out!

2) Today's "hate" is tomorrow's "love", so stay open to change.
Just like your taste for food, your taste for certain workouts can change.  You may have always sworn by cardio, and avoided strength training, or maybe you were/are a Turbo Kick fan and never thought of giving another format a try.  Friends, today I challenge you to TRY!  Try a different fitness class at the gym, or maybe a different exercise that you've avoided.  You may find a new love while keeping your fitness fresh!

3) If it feels like work, then it won't work.
It's important that you enjoy your workouts...because if you do, then you're more likely to do them! (rocket science, I'm telling ya!)  If the workout you've chosen is a chore, get rid of it and find one you enjoy. 

4) More than one love (aka workout) is the key to success.
We all know it's important to balance cardio and strength training in your fitness regimen (if you don't, lets chat!).  It's equally important to spread the love.  It's OK to love more than one format - trust me, the original format won't hold a grudge, haha!  For me, my soul-mate workout is Turbo Kick/Fire, but I also equally love BodyPump/Les Mills PUMP (What's with the dual names? The first is the gym version, the second is the at home version).  For me, the link is music!  I'm motivated by music and both of these formats are HUGE on their music!

5) Hybrid programs & workouts create variety.
Try a hybrid program like P90X & Insanity or TurboFire & ChaLEAN Extreme, or my favorite TurboFire & Les Mills PUMP.  Not only will you have variety in your workouts, you'll be doubling your efforts which will help you achieve your results faster!

6) Recognize when you fall out of love with your workout.
It happens, sometimes a person and their workout grow a part.  Doesn't mean that either of you did anything wrong; sometimes these things...just...happen.  LOL!  Ok, in all seriousness, this has probably happened to all of us at some point.  As you progress in your fitness journey, so too will your workouts.  Signs that it's time to move on from your current routine: plateauing (when you stop seeing the results you once were achieving), boredom and not looking forward to your workouts (a continual thing, not a random "I don't feel like working out" kinda day, which happens to ALL of us).  It's ok to move on!

7) Find what your Soul-Mate workout is (no matter what anyone else says) and DO IT!
Ok, so what makes a workout your "soul-mate" workout?  Easy!  Do you love your workout, or do you dread it?  Do you crave your workout, or do you make excuses?  Your soul-mate workout is the one you crave.  The one you will schedule you ENTIRE day around just to do!  The one that makes you feel SO good about yourself that you're telling EVERYONE about it.  The one that makes you feel AMAZING and POWERFUL and ready to take on the day. 

If you haven't found your soul-mate workout yet, don't worry.  There are SO MANY workouts and exercises that you WILL find it, I promise.  It may be a Beachbody program, but it also may not be.  My job, as your Fitness Coach, is to help you figure out what you love to do, because as I mentioned above, if you love what you're doing, chances are you'll do it more, which will help you reach and achieve your goals faster.

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