Monday, February 14, 2011

Here come the sickies!

Man....we got hit with a case of the sickies, BIG TIME!  Started with my almost 6 year old daughter complaining of an ear ache last Monday - she ended up with ANOTHER ear infection (she has reoccurring ear infections and has had 2 sets of tubes, possibly a 3rd set in the future).  She was prescribed a medication that tastes like CRAP, seriously!  *side note, why would they do that? don't they know we're trying to give this medicine to little kids? you'd think they'd make everything taste like strawberry! ok, rant over*  It was a struggle to get her to take it.  After throwing it up twice we said FORGET IT, and I took her BACK to the Dr's office today for a new prescription *another side note - the new prescription is yummy, thankyouverymuch!*

BTW- on top of her reoccurring ear infections, she's also allergic to Penicillin, oy vey, which means no yummy/pink Amoxcillin for her.

My 4 month old son also had a case of the sickies with green snot everywhere!  It was even coming out of his tear ducts, poor dude!  So, he's on a prescription and eye drops.

So in 1 week, I've taken kids to the Drs a total of 3 times with 4 different co-pays.  Fun times - NOT!

This unexpected virus has put a huge damper on my new exercise routine - I was on a great roll!  Between wiping snot and getting sick myself, there's been NO TIME for working out, even late at night, which is my usual workout time. 

My last workout was last Wednesday night - it's now the following Monday night.  So, I'm taking the advice of one Mr. Tony Horton and taking a week off.  I'll restart again where I left off Thursday night.  This pushes my 90-day goal back by 1 week, but it's well worth it to assure that both me and my family are all happy and healthy again.

And, it was a hard lesson learned - life will sometimes get in the way of a well laid-out plan.  You just gotta roll with it, baby!

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