Friday, January 21, 2011


Last night was Burn Intervals and Ab Burner.  I’m currently doing ChaLEAN Extreme and I’m in my first week of my first month, which is the Burn series.  Burn is RIGHT!  Last night’s workout was a tough one for me.  This is the same DVD I did while I was still working out during my pregnancy.  I liked how it was an interval workout and I was able to get both my Cardio and Strength Training in 1 workout. 

*On a side note: during this pregnancy I had morning sickness ALL. THE. TIME. I noticed that on the days I worked out I felt GREAT! No morning sickness, my body didn’t ache, etc. I just felt great overall. Do I endorse exercising during pregnancy? YES! With Dr’s approval first, of course!*

Last night was the first time I had done Burn Intervals, and my very first ab workout, since my pregnancy. WOW. It was a tough one to get through, but I did it - and was spent.

First – Chalene always says, “If you’re not in the mood to workout, give me 5 mins, and that’ll change”. Yes and No. No, I wasn’t in the mood to workout. Yes, 5 mins into the workout my attitude did change. But I’m not going to lie and say it was a breeze. It was a challenge for me to finish the workout. Many times I was thinking, “I’m done.” But I pushed through and I’m quite proud of myself for doing so! Part of the reason why I felt so good after the workout was because I was proud of myself for pushing along.

Second – there’s no sugar coating it, working out as a new mom is tough! You are mentally and physically tired from multiple night wakings and feedings. Your body is still recovering from pregnancy and delivery, especially if you’ve had a C-Section. If you’re nursing, you’ve got the added engorgement to take into consideration. BUT, I’m here to tell you that there truly is a natural high after working out! Yes, I was SPENT last night, but I felt soooooo good afterwards too. And, the little sleep I’m getting (Blake is waking once a night now, nice!) is a much deeper, restful sleep than what I was getting before I started my fitness program. 2 thumbs up!

Third – I love, love, love the Beachbody Recovery Formula drink. I seriously don’t know what I would do without it (maybe use Shakeology as a recovery drink instead?). Not only is the drink yummy (think Orange Creamsicle) but I see, and feel, a definate difference with my body when I don’t drink it after my workout vs when I do. And I’m not nearly as sore the next day when I’ve had the Recovery Formula the day/night before. It’s also great to drink DURING a strenous workout like Insanity or Turbo Fire!

Tonight is Burn Circuit 3 and I’m actually looking forward to NOT doing Cardio. Those Intervals were tough, man!

And, here’s a side effect I wasn’t expecting – I’m ALREADY noticing a difference in how my clothes are fitting on my body. My belly is looking noticably smaller, my thighs are smaller, my arms are looking and feeling tighter and my bloating is down. I’ve maintained a little bloating from my pregnancy and delivery and working out has seemed to FINALLY get it to go away, yay! If I’m getting these great results only ½ week into a 90 day program then I can’t wait to see what my results are at 30 days, 60 days and 90 days!

Stay Tuned!

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